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Dallas Car Accident Lawyer

Car Accident Lawyer

Dallas car accident statistics show that many people sustain serious injuries and deaths because of the negligence of at-fault drivers.

Our experienced Dallas car accident lawyers at Ward + White can help accident victims, and their loved ones receive compensation for their injuries and the loss of loved ones. We are here for clients throughout their cases.

How Your Dallas Car Accident Lawyer Helps With Your Case

Ward + White is a Dallas-based law firm that believes in a client-first principle. The car accident lawyers listen to the details of the Dallas car accident that you or a loved one were involved in, and we provide personalized representation for every case.

Bodily injury claims are serious matters, and we fight aggressively to get compensation when you or your loved one receives physical injuries or is involved in a fatal car accident. The at-fault party likely has an insurance company that does not want to pay out any compensation. Ward + White attorneys know how to negotiate with insurance companies to get compensation for their clients or to take the case to court.

Dallas Car Accident Statistics

The Texas Department of Transportation provides annual statistics of crash reports throughout the state. They list the total statistics and separate categories of statistics related to motor vehicle crashes.

The department indicates that for 2021, there were 206 fatal crashes, with 227 fatalities in Dallas. The statistics show 1,075 suspected serious crashes with 1,284 suspected serious injuries. Statistics indicate that there were a total of 35,355 crashes in 2021.
The 2022 Fatal Injury Summary indicates 4,040 fatal crashes across the state, with 4,484 fatalities. A total of 2,887 people got injured in auto accidents.
The state indicates that one person was killed in a reportable crash every 1 hour 57 minutes and injured every 2 minutes 12 seconds.

Common Causes of Car Accidents in Dallas

Various causes result in injuries and deaths when car accidents occur in and around Dallas. The experienced team of car accident lawyers at Ward + White knows how to aggressively seek compensation for their clients who are car accident victims, no matter the cause of the accident by the at-fault party.


Speeding is a major factor in car crashes in Dallas and throughout Texas. More than 7,500 crashes occurred in 2021, where speed was a factor. The data considers when drivers drive faster than the posted speed limit, too fast for weather-related conditions, and for the road design.


Speeding is a major factor in car crashes in Dallas and throughout Texas. More than 7,500 crashes occurred in 2021, where speed was a factor. The data considers when drivers drive faster than the posted speed limit, too fast for weather-related conditions, and for the road design.

Aggressive Driving

Weaving in and out of traffic, tailgating, and speeding past a stop sign are examples of aggressive driving. Running a red light, failing to yield the right of way, making dangerous passes, and road rage are other
examples of aggressive driving.

Were you involved in a car crash because the other driver engaged in aggressive driving? Contact Ward + White, where our Dallas car accident lawyers are ready to provide you with legal representation for your case.

Aggressive Driving

Weaving in and out of traffic, tailgating, and speeding past a stop sign are examples of aggressive driving. Running a red light, failing to yield the right of way, making dangerous passes, and road rage are other
examples of aggressive driving.

Were you involved in a car crash because the other driver engaged in aggressive driving? Contact Ward + White, where our Dallas car accident lawyers are ready to provide you with legal representation for your case.

Drunk Driving

Drunk driving causes many injuries and deaths to innocent drivers because of the careless, negligent actions of someone who decided to get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle after they drank alcohol.

Knowing that they could face stiff fines and jail time does not deter some drunk drivers who think they will not get caught driving under the influence.

The attorneys at Ward + White know the injuries and the pain and suffering people experience after being hit by a drunk driver. Contact us and learn how we can help you pursue your personal injury claim against a drunk driver.

Drunk Driving

Drunk driving causes many injuries and deaths to innocent drivers because of the careless, negligent actions of someone who decided to get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle after they drank alcohol.

Knowing that they could face stiff fines and jail time does not deter some drunk drivers who think they will not get caught driving under the influence.

The attorneys at Ward + White know the injuries and the pain and suffering people experience after being hit by a drunk driver. Contact us and learn how we can help you pursue your personal injury claim against a drunk driver.

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is a primary cause of car accidents. Drivers who dial their phones, text while driving, or eat while driving are dangerous to other motorists. Some other examples of distracted driving that lead to car crashes include drinking while driving, reading billboards, and taking their eyes off the road for different reasons.

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is a primary cause of car accidents. Drivers who dial their phones, text while driving, or eat while driving are dangerous to other motorists. Some other examples of distracted driving that lead to car crashes include drinking while driving, reading billboards, and taking their eyes off the road for different reasons.

Drowsy Driving

Drivers who get behind the wheel when they are drowsy are a risk to innocent drivers and pedestrians. People like truck drivers who work long hours and fail to rest before driving and drivers who take medication are some drivers who engage in drowsy driving.

Driving a long way, such as traveling for work or when on vacation, also poses a risk to other drivers.  

When you believe that drowsy driving was a factor in your car accident, let the car accident attorneys at Ward + White know this fact. It can help your case so that you receive fair compensation.

Drowsy Driving

Drivers who get behind the wheel when they are drowsy are a risk to innocent drivers and pedestrians. People like truck drivers who work long hours and fail to rest before driving and drivers who take medication are some drivers who engage in drowsy driving.

Driving a long way, such as traveling for work or when on vacation, also poses a risk to other drivers.  

When you believe that drowsy driving was a factor in your car accident, let the car accident attorneys at Ward + White know this fact. It can help your case so that you receive fair compensation.

Dangerous road conditions.

Dangerous road conditions lead to many car crashes in Dallas. A road crew that must provide proper warnings before construction or a government agency that allows roads or highways to fall into disrepair can lead to car crashes.

Your Ward + White car accident attorneys can aggressively seek client compensation, even when the responsible party is a business or a local government agency in Dallas.

Dangerous road conditions.

Dangerous road conditions lead to many car crashes in Dallas. A road crew that must provide proper warnings before construction or a government agency that allows roads or highways to fall into disrepair can lead to car crashes.

Your Ward + White car accident attorneys can aggressively seek client compensation, even when the responsible party is a business or a local government agency in Dallas.

Injuries Common to Car Accidents

A car crash leads to many types of injuries, from minor injuries to life-altering ones requiring lifelong medical care. Serious injuries can also result in fatalities for people involved in car accident cases.

Some common car accident injuries include:

Some common injuries take a short time for the victim to recover and resume their lifestyle. The many common injuries can also lead to devastating losses, such as death. Many people who experience whiplash, neck, head, or traumatic brain injuries undergo lengthy medical treatment and therapy. Broken bones often take months to heal, while some never heal properly.

We understand how injuries affect your life and livelihood here at Ward + White. We negotiate with insurance companies to get the best possible outcome for your case.

Statute of Limitations

The statute of limitations for filing an insurance claim for a personal injury in the State of Texas is two years. That means that, under Texas Law, you have two years from the date the accident happened to file a claim as an accident victim.

What To Do After an Auto Accident

It is important to know what not to do and what you need to do after an auto accident. Some accident victims may hurt their chances of recovery in an injury accident case by doing things that they should not do at the scene or in the days after the accident.

Things that you should do include the following:

  • Calling the police to report the accident immediately.
  • Get medical attention even if you think that you do not need it.
  • Take pictures of the accident scene or have someone do it for you.
  • Get witness contact information and ask them for a statement.
  • Take a picture of the at-fault driver’s license plate and the driver’s license of the person at fault.
  • Contact your insurance company as soon as possible after the accident.

Things that you should not do include:

  • Do not apologize or make statements that can hurt your chances of recovery.
  • Only leave the scene once the police allow you to go unless you leave in an ambulance.
  • Do not talk to the at-fault party’s insurer or personal injury lawyer.
  • Do not move your car unless law enforcement tells you to move it or unless it is in an unsafe location.

Protecting Your Case Value in a Car Accident Case

Speaking with an attorney with experience in personal injury law is vital to protect the value of your case. The attorneys at Ward + White know how to negotiate with insurance companies and how insurance adjusters work to place value on certain types of harm in car accident claims.

You must take steps to protect the value of your case. Only accept an immediate settlement offer after first speaking with a knowledgeable attorney. It is a myth that you do not need a personal injury lawyer if you receive a quick settlement offer from the other party.

Do not admit any fault, and do not say that you are fine. These types of statements can be used against you later. The responding police officer will likely write down everything you say at the scene.

Include as much information as possible when you file a police report.

Give your attorney your medical bills, recent pay stubs showing your regular income, name, and date that any person from the other party’s insurance or lawyer contacts you. Please do not provide any information to them. Refer them to your Ward + White attorney for information.

Recoverable Damages in a Car Accident Case

There are a few types of recoverable damages in a car accident case that your trusted, experienced attorney at Ward + White will discuss with you when you meet to talk about your car wreck at your free consultation.

Economic Damages

The first type of recoverable damages is economic or actual damages related to your motor vehicle accident. It includes your lost wages, medical bills, and other medical costs, such as ongoing therapy costs.

Economic damages also include medical treatment or adaptive devices needed for your recovery. It also includes property damage costs.

Non-economic Damages

Non-economic damages are those without a specific dollar amount when you pursue legal action in a personal injury case.

Pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment of activities, emotional distress, and mental anguish are examples of non-economic damages.

Punitive Damages

Personal injury victims often talk to their Dallas car accident lawyers about including punitive damages against the other driver. Punitive damages are damages the court awards to punish the driver for an accident caused by the driver’s negligence or intentional acts.

The Dallas car accident attorneys at Ward + White pursue punitive damages in personal injury cases where the damages punished someone else’s negligence when they caused the car wreck or truck crash.

Schedule a Free Consultation With an Experienced Car Accident Lawyer

Scheduling a free consultation with an experienced lawyer who provides personalized, professional representation is essential to help you receive the best possible outcome in your case. Refrain from assuming that you do not have a claim or will spend a lot of time in court.

Ward + White attorneys know how to negotiate a settlement offer. Most cases settle out of court, which allows you to focus on healing and returning to your lifestyle. Contact our Dallas car accident lawyer today.

We Always Take Care Of Our Clients Seriously

Call Ward + White offices at you should contact us immediately via telephone at 469-224-1236 or email us at info@wardwhitellp.com